Intention of the Bank to disburse loans totalling USD 200 million in partnership with the SOUTHERN AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK to finance a renewable energy development programme b
Award by the company of a contract worth USD 114 million to the Chinese company SHANGHAI ZHENHUA HEAVY INDUSTRIES CO.
Announcement by the renewable energy company, in partnership with chocolate manufacturer BARRY CALLEBAUT -BC-, of the completion and start of operations of a solar power plant s
Raised by BRVM of the suspension of the quotation of the shares of the security, according to the economic press
Launch by the start-up known for its urban mobility services of Gozem Money, a mobile money solution in partnership with NSIA Banque, scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2024, a
Donation of USD 40,000 from insurance company to STREET CHILD to build six classrooms in two primary schools in Gatumba, Burundi, according to the economic press
Award by Ghana's ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY of an environmental permit for the development of the Ewoyaa project to become the country's first lithium mine, according to th
Agreement between NIGER PETROLEUM PRODUCTS COMPANY and OLIVE ENERGY, an oil company operating in Niger, for the exploitation of the Bilma oil block, according to the economic pr
Announcement by the Ugandan Minister of Finance of a new round of petroleum rights allocation planned for the 2025-2026 fiscal year, according to the economic press