Mercredi 12 mars 2025Wednesday 12 March 2025
Marchés ouvertsMarket opened



    XOF 88 bn raised on the WAEMU public securities market following a simultaneous issue of two treasury bills with maturities of 3 months and 1 year, as well as an issue of treasu


    Increase of +9% to XOF 195.9 bn in the amount of loans granted by microfinance institutions in Q1 2023 compared with the previous quarter, according to the economic press


    Prolongation of the reprofiling of the country's domestic debt into US dollars with the aim of improving public finances and returning to sustainable debt levels, according to t


    Outstanding bank loans up +14% to XOF 4,925.9 bn at the end of May 2023 compared with the same period last year, according to the economic press


    June 2023 imports up +4.6% to XOF 606.4bn compared with the previous month, according to the economic press


    AVIS A LA CLIENTELE - BOA Capital Securities ( ex-ACTIBOURSE) invite son aimable clientèle à se rapprocher de ses chargés de comptes afin de me


    Publication des résultats annuels provisoires, affichant :


    Levée de FCFA 34,6 Md sur le Marché des Titres Publics de l’UEMOA via les maturités 6 mois, 12 mois et 3 ans, pour un taux de couverture de 98,9%, selon la presse économique


    Accord de FCFA 31 Md de la BANQUE MONDIALE pour le renforcement de l’insertion des jeunes, selon la presse économique